Hello and welcome to episode 182 of The Mindful Kind podcast.
In this episode, I'm really excited to chat about cognitive distortions, including what they actually are, where the concept came from and some examples of different types of cognitive distortions.
Here are the 5 types of cognitive distortions shared in this episode:
Here are some great references and links for further reading:
TED talk by Dr David Burns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1T5uMeYv9Q
10 Cognitive Distortions Identified in CBT: https://www.verywellmind.com/ten-cognitive-distortions-identified-in-cbt-22412
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: https://www.simplypsychology.org/cognitive-therapy.html
Be sure to tune in next week for Part Two of this episode!
Thank you so much for listening and I hope you have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind.
Hello and welcome to episode 181 of The Mindful Kind podcast!
Thank you for tuning in to this episode - which is actually coming out on the day of my birthday:)
I thought I would explore the topic of life purpose and how I'm moving forward after achieving my big goal of writing a book (and then feeling a bit lost afterwards).
Here are my 4 top tips for finding more life purpose:
If you haven't got a copy of The Mindful Kind book, head over to: http://www.rachaelkable.com/themindfulkindbook
I hope you have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind.
Hello and welcome to episode 180 of The Mindful Kind podcast!
In this episode, I've talked all about a recent experience of mine where a stressful morning turned into a wonderful day.
Because I often struggle to turn a tough day around, I thought I would do a little research and share some tips for this so we can work on it together!
Tip 1 // Exercise - get your body moving and enjoy some endorphins (I'll be aiming to get out of bed earlier so I can be more consistent with this!).
Tip 2 // Notice negative thoughts and gently challenge them (in a self-compassionate way).
Tip 3 // Practise mindfulness, meditation and self-care. Make the time to look after your wellbeing - even if it's just a few minutes!
Thank you so much for listening and I hope you have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind.
Hello and welcome to episode 179 of The Mindful Kind podcast.
Thank you to Katie for inspiring this episode with her question about how to relax during breaks from college.
My top 3 tips for making the most of relaxation include:
Head over to www.rachaelkable.com/podcast/179 to grab a free chapter of my book, The Mindful Kind!
And don't forget to check out my meditation albums at www.rachaelkable.com/shop
Thank you so much for listening and I hope you have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind.