Welcome to episode 84 of The Mindful Kind podcast about inspiring goal-setting activities, including vision boarding, vision journaling and using Pinterest!
Vision Boards
Use cork boards or poster boards as backgrounds and attach images of meaningful quotes, goals and ideas, living spaces you'd like to create, career ideas or mindfulness inspiration!
Focus on one goal, or many!
Vision Journals
Use a small, blank book to document all of your goals, things you're grateful for, ideas for your future and whatever else you like.
Create a new page whenever you're feeling inspired and update your goals as they change!
A few things from my own vision journal include my favourite teas, yoga poses I'd like to do, a holiday I'd love to go on, inspiration for my book, things I've already accomplished, cafes I enjoy visiting and meaningful quotes.
Basically, Pinterest is a huge, digital vision board! It's wonderful for inspiration and there are always new things you can find.
Don't forget to check out my Pinterest account for mindfulness inspiration: www.pinterest.com/rachael_kable
I hope you have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind.